Requirements: 2.3 and up
Overview: A colorful theme with effect of neon on dark backgrounds For Theme chooser rom's CM10/CM9/AOKP

For Those WHo Don't Like Colorfull
will release it on single color also but this time no minimal
What's in this version:
rethemed keyboard again
fixed FC issue when selevting shorcuts on lockscreen targets
fixed issue with mms color
and added one missiong icon for pac man rom
fixed H+ icon themed
statusbar when dropdown the line below clock and date was faded now it is fixed
Changes in Clock and Battery color text
Improvements in progress loading animations
made some changes in text colors
Keyboard color is now black
anything else left let me know......
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Requirements: 2.3 and up
Overview: A colorful theme with effect of neon on dark backgrounds For Theme chooser rom's CM10/CM9/AOKP
For Those WHo Don't Like Colorfull
will release it on single color also but this time no minimal
What's in this version:
rethemed keyboard again
fixed FC issue when selevting shorcuts on lockscreen targets
fixed issue with mms color
and added one missiong icon for pac man rom
fixed H+ icon themed
statusbar when dropdown the line below clock and date was faded now it is fixed
Changes in Clock and Battery color text
Improvements in progress loading animations
made some changes in text colors
Keyboard color is now black
anything else left let me know......
This app has no advertisements
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