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Saturday, April 4, 2015

YoWindow Weather v1.6.3 Direct links

By : Mobd3
On : 11:41 AM
In :
YoWindow Weather v1.6.3
Requirements: 2.3+
Overview: YoWindow is a unique new weather app. The magic of YoWindow is a living landscape that reflects your actual weather. For instance, if it's raining - it rains in YoWindow.

The sunset and the sunrise in YoWindow happens at exactly the same time as in real life.
But the great thing is you can scroll the time forward. Just swipe the screen and you will see how the weather is going to change throughout the day.
All the weather at your fingertips. You see the current weather, the forecast for today and for several days ahead.
State of the art landscapes change depending on the season. The artwork is designed down to the smallest detail. Choose a landscape that fits best for your area.
YoWindow is a window in your pocket =)
The weather forecast is provided by yr.no and NWS - the leading meteorological organizations.
Watch weather with pleasure!
YoWindow team.


☀ YoWindow was featured on Google Play this March.
- New widget: Inspector (4x2).
It is intended to display detailed weather data.
Android 5 (Lollipop): restart your device to make the widget to appear in the gallery (this is an Android error).
While tapping through Forecast widget, Inspector widget reflects the selection.
Inspector widget is a substitution for info panel in YoWindow Wallpaper.
- Product quality improved.

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