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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How to recover deleted text messages from android Direct links

By : Mobd3
On : 9:30 AM
In :
With the popularity of Android smart phones, almost all users will store some of the important data on their mobile phones. And among the data of the users store on the Android, some of them are photos, messages, contacts and some personal information. Is this kind of file safe? Once data loss happens, how big this loss will be? Any way to bring back the lost data?

Actually,we have chace to recover contacts from Android no matter lost or deleted,to get deleted contacts back from Android phones,we can use a Android data recovery software, The Vibosoft Dr. Mobile for Android is the world's first data recovery program for Samsung Android mobile phone users to recover contacts from Samsung Galaxy directly.

How to recover deleted text messages from android

First of all, connect your Android phone to compute before you install and run Vibosoft Android Data Recovery program.

Then you should enable USB debugging mode on your Android phone. After that there will be a few seconds for the program to scan lost contacts from Android phone.

After scanning, you can preview all of your lost contacts details, you just select the contacts you need and start to recover.


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